Monday, December 10, 2007

Mamma Mia

Long before the musical, the Erasure covers or the vile of turd from Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, ABBA was a singing group that played on the car radio. Specifically the large station wagon my parents bought six weeks before the oil embargo of 1973.

I remember sitting in the back seat, my younger brother always on the left side directly behind my mother and I on the right, wearing lap belts that have the same buckles airplanes still have today. In the mid-1970's ABBA's Dancing Queen would come on the radio and my mom would start clapping and singing, bopping her perfectly coiffed head of hair to the music.

So while many folks associate ABBA with 1970's themed dance parties or the musical, whenever I hear them, I think of my mom driving a huge car, dancing to the music.

Happy Birthday to my mom. The original Mamma Mia!

And my mom shared a birthday with a dearly departed dog. Go read about her at Flower Child's windowbox. Then there is a fun movie soundtrack recalled by Wholly Burble (and a big welcome to her since this is her first Music Monday!). And Jenn in Michigan adds another terrific tale of tunes from her childhood.


Wholly Burble said...

A very happy birthday to your mom!

And I was having the "time of my life" dancing to this song--haven't heard it in a long time, but it's a "fav"!

Not sure where to sign up to let you know, but I'm trying Music Monday today for the first time. Hope I do OK. And thanks for letting me play.

Goofball said...

ooh Abba rocks at any party! I love Abba!

Happy birthday to your mom.

Mariposa said...

Happy to your Mom!

Love this song too...and love ABBA!

Jen said...

I'm going to read later... And Happy B'day to your mom! And I'm playing today - I'll be posting later.

jodifur said...

Happy B-day SMID's mom!

I love ABBA, but do you know they have sold more albums than the beatles? Seems kind of crazy

Flower Child said...

Happy birthday to two great ladies! Your mom is officially the cool person I always thought she was now that I know she loved ABBA.

painted maypole said...

great memory!

i have a more recent memory of that song. MQ was about 18 months and my mother and I were taking her to FL to visit my grandparents - turned out to bethe last time I would see my grandmother. Anyhow, MQ had fallen asleep in the airport, and we were looking forward to her sleeping the whole Red-eye flight to FL. It was 11:30 at night, after all. As we boarded the plan "Dancing Queen" was BLARING on the speakers, awakening the child... who then fussed and cried all the way to FL. We were unhappy. Everyone on the plane was unhappy. And you better believe the stewardesses got an earful from us about the volume of music on a RED=EYE flight.

Brillig said...

Ahhhh, I love this song. What a fun memory to associate with it. Your kids will be posting Erasure clips on your birthday in a few years, I bet... :-D

Jenn in Holland said...

Oh, an ABBA memory! What a treasure. I myself adore their every greatest hit. Just can't get enough of that chickitita...
Happy Birthday to your Mom, she shares a day with a special someone at this house too!

Jan said...

Abba is great ! Thanks for sharing a great memory. What a great picture it brings to mind. Happy birthday to a groovy mom.


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to your mom!
I always loved this song, I had no idea there was video for it! I'm glad it brings back happy memories for you!


Jen said...

That's a great image all the way around! I think perfectly coiffed hair bouncing in a huge gas eater is the perfect tribute to Abba!