Once again, Wasserman is sadly funny. Haven't heard about how excessive fees are turning foreclosure proceedings into a lucrative market?
Call your congressman or woman (go to http://www.house.gov/ and put your zip code in the top left box to find your representative) and ask him/her to support Representative Barney Frank's bill to help families dealing with foreclosure. That's all you need to say.
And if you let me know you did it, I'll sing your praises in a later post.
In rural Iowa we don't see too much of the homeless situation, but it's here. I was living in Colorado for some time, teaching, and in the larger cities it was quite evident. I could never see how these people survived in the winter. I had a rough enough time keeping body and soul together with shelter and clothing, etc., when those winter winds were howling through the mountains.
I'll go check out the situation you talked about, and see what's up. The saying "we're all just one paycheck away from being homeless" is a sad, but not too far from the truth, comment for many in this day-in-age.
Went to Frank's site to read the bill, and found a release for today stating the bill had been passed. www.house.gov/frank/mortgage110607.html is the site where they have the press release on the bills passage. I'm assuming this is the bill you're speaking of, and wowee, it looks like it's a done deal.
Hmm wish I could help you building pressure to the government, but I don't think I have a representative in the USA....and in Belgium we don't even have a government anymore at the moment.
good luck with your lobbying though! It's important
I did it, I did it! My Rep will be absolutely ZERO help to the cause, though. He is the sort who will look for the most wicked and inhumane thing he can possibly vote for. Welcome to the great Republican state of Utah, friends. Still, it can't hurt to try, right?
BTW... we should probably know these things ourselves, but giving us tasks where we can actively help, rather than just signing petitions or whatever is really, really, REALLY helpful! Please keep it up!
Done. I do have a right to talk to my representative, right? I own property in Arizona after all. No matter, I did it and I feel proud that you compelled me to do it! Thanks for that.
My rep can't vote. I'll forward your message to my mother and sister - who, despite living outside the US, both have representation. Can I get a shout out for that?
Here's a very "entertaining" URL that relates directly to this mess.
It's an organization that "helps lenders extract the maximum profit from the poor". They have a particularly nice comparison of how predatory lending is superior to indentured servitude.
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