Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Friends like this.....

Amazing Guy sent me the following link from CNN today. It is a clip from the Campbell Brown show. In it Governor Rendell of Pennsylvania is recorded on an open microphone having one of those "side" conversations. He clearly didn't realize the mike was on and said the following about current Arizona Governor Janet Nepolitano being nominated to head Homeland Security for President-elect Barak Obama:

"Janet's perfect for that job. Because for that job, you have to have no life. Janet has no family. Perfect. She can devote, literally, 19-20 hours a day to it."
I'm just flabbergasted that one of the more progressive governors would say something that moronic, that sexist, that so friggin' stupid.

But I can't talk too much about it now. I have to make dinner for those kids. Those kids that mean I can't devote 19-20 hours a day to a job. I guess that means I'm not a good worker.


Jen said...

That was a stupid, moronic comment, but I wonder if he wouldn't have said the same thing about a man? Maybe, maybe not. But does he think Obama's not up to the job because he has two daughters and a wife he clearly adores?


soccer mom in denial said...


Good one Jen!

Heather said...

I love it when the mics catch people in their true colors.

Flower Child said...

Rendell isn't exactly known for his tact. Horrible statement, not so surprising sadly.

I am however still stuck on the phrase - "I have to make dinner for the kids". Wow!

Jami said...

Yeah - MAKE dinner? At our house, it's apt to be "Get dinner at Subway".

(Totally OT, but my verification word is "parotch" - which my demented mind immediately defined as "a talking bird's naughty place". Sorry - had to share.)

Jenn in Holland said...

Well, clearly darling, you can't be a good worker and a mommy! Honestly, that you'd even suggest such a thing is just silly. What are you one of those womens libbers??

As I mentioned to you before, it is an utterly reprehensible statement and the man is a dork.
But Janet? She's good. And damn she'd be good EVEN if she had kids. Just like the rest of us good hard working mamas are!

Patois42 said...

Amen to Jen's point. I was also thinking the same thing as Heather. Man, too bad I have kids or maybe I'd have time to have an original thought of my own.