In the spirit of full disclosure, I am a registered lobbyist. Yup, in the same profession as
Jack Abramoff. I've even been known to start my part of a meeting by donning a
fedora, just for the laugh.
But before you start slinging rotten food at me (or your computer screen), I am a registered lobbyist in the Commonwealth where I work for a non-profit organization that supports community economic development through affordable housing, small business development and asset development. I spent the bulk of today at a legislative hearing about affordable housing. I ran into people I knew, introduced them to each other, met new people and listened to nearly five hours of testimony. Some of the testimony was heartbreaking. Elders, adults with disabilities and low-income mothers talked of their fears that government subsidized buildings might start renting at market rate, effectively forcing them into nursing homes, out-of-state or into shelters.
That is one definition of a schmoozer.
But now this has some cache since I now have been bestowed THIS!

Jenn, lovely, lovely Jenn, has given me the Official Schmooze Bicep button. I could not be more honored. Especially after reading this:
Schmoozing is the natural ability “to converse casually, especially in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection.” Good schmoozers effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don’t limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. They are the ones who engage others in meaningful conversations, refusing to let it end at a mere hello - all the while fostering a sense of closeness and friendship.
Yes, dear readers, I was built for schmooze. But not for gaining an advantage. Simply to make connections.
So now I get to pass this along (see these are the things I like to pass along - an award with a pretty, err, forceful button). My top schmoozers are:
Gunfighter - this man oozes schmooze and coming from me this is a huge compliment! He definitely embodies the spirit of bringing people together.
Soodz - she was one of the first folks to pay attention to me. She was also my first hostess for the Blog Exchange (which is sadly taking a break this month. Boo-hoo).
Jodifur - she set the bar really high for Blog Exchange host. She actually forwarded to me every single comment left on her blog from my piece. She also never let's a comment go without a reply and the ensuing conversations are funny and thoughtful.
The Real Life Drama Queen - she. simply. rocks. My trail is definitely happier after she has strutted on by. And as a fag hag, I just love a drama queen.
Formula Fed and Flexible Parenting - she not only chats it up with me, she actually met me in person. That gets a gold star.
And I had every intention of giving one to this blogger but Mz. Jenn had to jump in and add her after the fact so while I hate giving people awards they already have, she's too good not to get it twice.
Twas Brillig - First of all the name is just awesome. Secondly she is one of those "popular" blog kids who still finds time to visit those of us hanging out in the science labs (or political science in my case). How popular is she? She got 28 comments (I was one of them) when she complained that her site was broken. Twenty-eight.
Now go forth and schmooze! Pass along to as many, or few, as you want.